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Old 09-05-2016, 09:55 PM
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SAllen2556 SAllen2556 is offline
Scott All.en
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Detroit
Posts: 614

It just bothers me when people disrespect the founding of this country and, by extension, the flag, especially by someone who probably couldn't even name the first president. It's really that simple. You want to protest unfair jail sentences, or whatever, go lobby your congressman. As a football player, you've got some clout - they might actually listen to you. Hold a press conference and explain your views. You're a public figure, you can do that. Write an article. Hell, run for congress yourself; the average football career is only about 4 years, and yours is looking shorter than that. You'll have the time.

There's at least a dozen ways I can think of that you could make your point without offending at least half the country. Even if you're completely right, you've already alienated half (I hope it's more) of your audience. Dumb. Immature. Ignorant.
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