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Old 09-07-2016, 02:59 PM
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bn2cardz bn2cardz is offline
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I am not going to attempt to argue one point or another, but I thought I would share the thoughts of a coworker of mine. She is a widowed black mother of 4 sons with the youngest just having gone to college. She lives and raised her boys in Ferguson, MO.

She went on rant after rant during the Ferguson riots. But it wasn't an anti-police/pro-riot stance as some would make you believe, it was the exact opposite. Yet her side of the story wasn't the one the news would cover. She would constantly said that if there was any racism in the cops in Ferguson she would have known it. Yet her sons were never pulled over for something that wasn't deserved (one son ran from the cops when he realized he didn't have his ID). She hated that Michael Brown was considered anything but a "thug" stating him and his whole family were trouble in the community.

The stuff she has said would make a white man seem racist if they said it. Her major point, though, was that it is no longer a skin color issue. She believes that it is a social issue. That a black guy that doesn't look like a "thug" and treats people respectful will be treated right. A white guy that acts like a "thug" and disrespects is going to be treated the same as the black guy acting the same way.

I just thought I would share her thoughts since she has a perspective that most on this board don't have.
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