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Old 09-09-2016, 08:16 AM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
The referee heard it (he threw the flag), Lamarr Houston confirmed to the Chicago Tribune that he said it, and the NFL fined him for it...which was upheld even after Kaepernick's appeal.
"The referee heard it" - yeah, like refs are never wrong, right?

"Lamarr Houston confirmed to the Chicago Tribune that he said it" - yeah, "After Colin Kaepernick was penalized for using “inappropriate language” in a loss to the Bears on Sept. 14, Chicago defensive end Lamarr Houston said he didn’t hear the 49ers’ quarterback say anything to him." He changed his story later.

"the NFL fined him for it" - yeah, now you're either being willfully ignorant by ignoring the original article I linked to or you're lying. Here's a line from the article - "Colin Kaepernick was still fined by the NFL despite the league admitting the quarterback didn't use a racial slur, and no one is quite sure why." Do you see that? The NFL admits the quarterback didn't use a racial slur. And yet you come back with "the NFL fined him for it." A blatant lie.

So you have CK who says he didn't use a racial slur, the ref who says CK did, and LH who said CK didn't say anything and then changed that to CK did use a racial slur, a tape that shows CK saying something like "Get the f--- back," many other people around the incident who are never quoted in any article that I've seen confirming that CK used a racial slur, and lastly, the NFL admitting that CK didn't use a racial slur. And you want to stick with CK used a racial slur and the NFL fined him for it?

Please, continue on without me and don't let the facts get in the way of your witch hunt.
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