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Old 10-06-2016, 12:41 PM
larietrope larietrope is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 155
Default Mantle cards-Bobby Richardson

I'm a long time friend of Bobby Richardson, we have a breakfast group that meets every Friday called the ROMEO club, retired old men eating out.
I often kidded Bobby that I could afford his cards but not Mickey Mantle's.
Bobby's a wonderful person, very humble, friendly, and always goes out of his way to make a stranger feel like a long time friend.
Great stories about the Yankee days. He and Kubek were the milkshake twins.
He always signs his autograph in a beautiful, very legible way. He explained he met Stan Musial as a kid and got his autograph. He was so impressed with Musial's autograph quality that when people began asking for his autograph he promised himself that if people were nice enough to ask for his signature he'd write it as nicely as possible. Look at any Richardson autograph and you'll see what I mean.
A quality man.
I do have 2 1952 Topps Mantles. I've had for many, many years.
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