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Old 11-01-2016, 09:05 AM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by Wannabeoldschool View Post
Has the hobby lost value in the past and if so when?
Besides the 2 times Scott pointed out it was damn hard to sell anything for about a year after the 9-11-01 tragety.

Originally Posted by Wannabeoldschool View Post
Looking to see what everyone thoughts are on who they believe will be the next hot player or set. As I'm getting back into the hobby, I'm looking for investment opportunities early with undervalued cards.

Thanks for sharing!!
Hot players/sets are just someone or group hyping them and a bunch of sheeple following. It has been that way for at least the 30 years I have been collecting. I have even seen it on this forum. Here is the secret(LOL) formula, it does not work everytime but with a little help most of the time. Buy a bunch of perfectly centered cards or pick something that was not done so recently then go on a bunch of forums and hype the heck out of that type of card. It really helps if you have a couple people in on it to help post how cool those cards are the forums. Sell when prices climb to your selling point. Crazily this even works with cards that are not rare and easily found.

When buying stay far far away from anything being hyped as cool because as soon as the sheeple stop buying prices will fall.
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