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Old 11-21-2016, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by MattyC View Post
Interesting how we all collect, and yet in so many different ways.

When I was a kid, I would immediately toss all severely OC, tilted, and miscut cards, or ones that were super blurry. Image clarity and centering were always huge for me, even then.

I always viewed corner wear as something intended, due to handling of the card by kids, whereas the card was always intended to be framed evenly and to have a focused picture. My eye was always drawn to the center of the card, as opposed to the corners. And part of what draws the eye to the central image is the intended centering.

As I got older, I would search for a card on ebay and was struck by how few, and in some cases none at all, were perfectly centered. Seeing that this aspect was rare added a new appreciation for it and makes the hunt fun. But again this is just one of myriad ways to view and collect cards.
Hi Matty, you and I have had this discussion before. I understand your perspective and I respect it, but here's the counter argument: cards may come off the press as OC or even miscut, but they don't come off the press with rounded corners. Some of us are looking for cards that are as "fresh" as possible.
Actively collecting Carl Yastrzemski !
Also 1964 & 68 Topps Venezuelans
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