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Old 12-04-2016, 06:21 PM
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mouschi mouschi is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
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Old Magazine page + signed index card = Custom High End ALF!

Signed Post Card + Trading Card = Mickey Mantle Cut Signature

Magazing + dog chewed trading card = Al Kaline cut signature

Wedding Picture + Invitation = Keepsake that may actually get your wife into cards (Hey, we can dream, can't we?)

Here they are all together:

This is my first "invention" so to speak, and I'm very proud of it. I look forward to hearing what you all think about this as well! I hope this will be a bit hit for folks this Christmas, as I've gotten loads of requests to create personal cards as gifts.

Oh, and what a better way to kick off my first invention than with my first infomercial?

For anyone who does pick up a kit, I encourage everyone to post what they have made online. I'd get a huge kick out of seeing what other people use this for.

As always, thanks for reading! I look forward to hearing what you all think.
Tanner Jones - Author, Confessions of a Baseball Card Addict - Available on Amazon
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