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Old 12-17-2016, 09:21 PM
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David Kathman
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 1,564

Thanks for the feedback, everybody. It's gratifying when historical research I do purely for fun helps out other people in their research. There's a ton of information in those old hobby publications, and now that I have pretty much everything from the mid-50s to 1990 (and quite a bit from before and after those dates) it's easier to trace things like this.

Speaking of Leaf, I'd like to figure out when the black and white set now known as 1960 Leaf became know as such in the hobby, because all the articles about it in the hobby literature at the time called it the "Sports Novelties" set, using the name that was actually on the cards.

Also, does anybody out there happen to know if Rich Egan is still around? He would be in his 70s now.
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