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Old 12-24-2016, 10:01 AM
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asoriano asoriano is offline
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Originally Posted by Lordstan View Post
I think the reason you comments have been viewed so harshly is because these raffles have been done by Graig to give back to us. When Jimmy C first came on here talking about Graig, he was still a relatively new painter in the world of sports. It is Graig's stated belief, that because of our encouragement and support that he has grown the way he has. He has agreed to do these raffles to allow the many of us here that cannot afford the full price of one of his paintings a way to possibly obtain one. I think the majority of us here are very appreciative that Graig has allowed Net54 members to do this and so do take offense when someone complains because it hasn't finished as fast as they would have wanted it to. Really, if he had said that it would be 2yrs to complete the painting how many of us would not have bought the same amount of tickets? Probably very few.

I sincerely hope that Graig is not put off from doing another raffle by your sentiments. I hope he knows that they are not shared by the rest of us. I know I will wait as long as needed for anything he ever does for me.
Well said, Mark.
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