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Old 01-01-2017, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
It's bad enough that as a seller I can't give negative feedback to a buyer who screws me, but I just tried to re-list an item and was halted in my tracks for adding the word 'deadbeat' to the description. This bidder basically 'saved' my item during the Christmas buying season and then failed to pay and never contacted me to indicate they weren't going to pay. A 'negative strike' on this buyer is useless to me and not anything that any other potential seller can use to warn themselves against this loser.

Shouldn't an ebay seller be able to indicate, either through negative feedback or through his description, some verbiage that can warn other prospective sellers?

Since we are not restricted by ebay rules here, I will warn my fellow collectors that tumbleweed888_4 is a pariah to our hobby. He/she purchased a baseball from another buyer, failed to pay, then the item was re-listed and ended, then he/she purchased a similar item from me and never paid. After all of this, ebay protects this loser from ME?
Scott, I feel your pain on this one, and have now blocked this deadbeat from bidding on my items as well. I agree that eBay's telling sellers that the buyer is getting an "unpaid item strike" without any indication of how many strikes they have, what action that results in being taken against them, and what the threshold for strikes to result in action may be is less than satisfying as a seller. I have to believe that getting all sellers on Net54 to add him to their blocked buyer list is more effective than any action eBay might (might) take against the buyer.

Did you quote the user's name when you re-listed the item, or just say "relisted due to a deadbeat buyer" or similar generic statement? I only ask because I have never had any problems relisting an item with a statement of "Relisted due to non-paying bidder" at the top of the description. I haven't done so recently though, so something may have changed that is even kicking those descriptions out.
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