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Old 01-08-2017, 11:09 PM
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Steven Finley
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Nashville, Tn
Posts: 1,466

Not that I have a dog on the fight, but to me there is a big difference in paying retail and getting a bad item and and paying pennies on the dollar on a long shot. If you've spent as much in the hobby recently as you state you have I'd hope you'd know close to retail what an authentic gamer's value is - and it ain't $250.

One of two things happened: either someone was fishing for a sucker and snagged one, will take the item back and your $20 and go fishing again. Or - you tried talking someone who didn't know better down from 10% of an items true value to 4% and ended up burning yourself. Either way it's your world and you can play in it however you please, but don't get upset if that gives some people a unsavory opinion of you because really nothing in this makes you look very good. Live and learn. Happy collecting.
Always looking for rare Tommy Bridges items.
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