Thread: January Pick-Up
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Old 01-30-2017, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Dave Grob View Post
They sure did and not just the Yankees. This is easy enough to confirm in period images that capture the helmets from the side or from above. But these designs changed over time by team, along with other facets such as the number/location of vent holes in the crown of the helmet as well as information contained on the interior ABC sticker. When studied in some detail and considered in total, it does offer one the ability to establish some objective date ranges for the helmets.

Dave Grob
And some folks may not know that the Cubs to this day still affix embroidered patch C logos to their helmets instead of a decal. And, within the last couple of years, the Dodgers started using 3D LA logos on their helmets, first made out of a sort of plastic and then reportedly switching to a more pliable material because the plastic logos weren't taking game abuse well and were cracking and breaking.

In any event, I love the old felt logos on helmets.
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