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Old 02-04-2017, 08:22 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by Buythatcard View Post
Just need to rant.

I've been selling on eBay for 15 years and I have paid my share of fees. I have perfect feedback. Yet, I still get treated like a seller who wants to pull one over on someone.

Earlier this week a buyer opened a claim saying he never received item and he wants a refund. First of all, he just paid on Saturday. Card was mailed next business day which was Monday. He opened claim on Thursday (less than 3 days after card was sent). When I checked tracking details, it said that it was delivered to his front door on Weds.(2 days after I mailed it)

Buyer claims that someone hacked into his account and changed address.

Last night eBay, closed the case and said that Buyer didn't respond in 30 days. Kind of odd considering that the case was only opened 2 days ago.
I went to look at my Paypal account and saw that they refunded the full amount to the Buyer. So, not only does someone else get the card, I lose my money.

That's when I completely lost it. I called eBay and got some person who I could not understand. He spoke a mile a minute with a thick accent. I told him to slow down 4 times until I just said let me speak to a supervisor. He put on his supervisor who also spoke with a thick accent but was a little more intelligible. I explained my situation and she said that I need to speak to someone at Paypal. She would transfer me and participate in the conversation. She forwards my call to Paypal and immediately she disappeared. I was on hold for 25 minutes at Paypal when another dummy came on and said that she needs to transfer me to another department but that department closed 6 minutes ago. I was getting more and more pissed by the minute. I asked for a direct phone # but she said that she can't give it to me. I said how the hell am I suppose to call if I don't have a phone #. No response. So I asked again. She said call Paypal and ask them to connect you to the Limitation department. I asked for Paypal's phone number. I had to ask her to repeat it 4 times because she rambled on so fast.

I do not understand why the Buyer won this case. I will call again today and will give them Hell!

This just puts another stake in my heart and I am getting closer and closer to leaving eBay for good.

eBay/Paypal Suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should let the buyer know you are going to file a police report in his hometown for theft, and that he should do the same for identify theft.

See how he responds.

That sounds horrible. I do hear over and over again on the Ebay seller boards, sometimes you have to keep calling Ebay over and over until you get a U.S. based call center, where they seem to go by a different script if you are lucky enough to connect with them.
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