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Old 02-07-2017, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by frankbmd View Post
I know that a field goal can be kicked on any down. I just wondered if a first down field goal had ever been kicked with several minutes on the clock to change a one score game into a two score game in deference to trying to run time off the clock.
Sure you could, but no one would. At minimum, you'd down it 3 times (making sure center the ball), forcing them to use all timeouts (or bleed 2 min), then kick. That's as conservative as you would ever play it.

Just imagine the blow back if they kicked on first down, allowing the Pats to keep all 3 TO with over 4 min left, then lost? 4 min is still time enough to score twice, and with all timeouts you don't even need a successful onside. Imagine even worse if you kicked, missed and gave them the ball at the spot of the hold, with 4 min and all timeouts... That's just taking like taking a 7-8 yard sack on 4th down.
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