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Old 02-08-2017, 02:44 PM
jefferyepayne jefferyepayne is offline
Jeff P
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Originally Posted by cfhofer View Post
Thanks guys. Speaking of football firsts - When was the huddle first utilized? I've read some reports that in 1894 Paul Hubbard of Gallaudet College, a Washington DC based college for the deaf, created the 'huddle' to prevent opposing teams from seeing their signs. Another report states Univ of Penn created the huddle in 1894 to aid Alfred E Bull, their star center, who was deaf.

I found the photo posted below tossed between the pages of a prominent Yale football player's scrapbook, who played end for the Bulldogs from 1892-94. I didn't think much of it at first but could this be the earliest photo of a football 'huddle'? I can't identify any of the players but coach Mike Murphy is in the center.

Any thoughts?

My first inclination is that this is just a coaching session or pep talk during a practice. Doesn't look like a football huddle in a game to me as the coach is involved. Or a timeout / water break?

Still a really, really cool image, Mark!

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