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Old 02-12-2017, 02:38 PM
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toppcat toppcat is offline
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Just watched the vid, which thanks for posting Irv, and which was the first time I've seen or heard Sy really talk about the mechanics of the garbage scow. Maybe there is more to it than I've thought previously and he did dump 1.3 million 52 highs. Or maybe he didn't as I still find it odd Topps actually spent the money on a tug & barge vs a straight up incineration as their MO was cheap, cheap, cheap all the time and why would you not trust an incinerator.

But there's still a boatload (pun intended) of them out there and I definitely think they were produced in roughly the same amounts as the semi-highs originally. Survival percentages are another story.

It's not hard to find them 65 years later, that's for sure. You might not like the pricing but they are out there.

Last edited by toppcat; 02-12-2017 at 02:46 PM.
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