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Old 02-15-2017, 11:34 AM
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nat nat is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 929

Low-ball offers are a waste of everybody's time, just like high BINs are. If a card has an absurd list price and a OBO option, just ignore it. An absurd list price means that no reasonable offer will be accepted, so you might as well consider it to be part of the eBay Museum and move on.

|An aside. How do folks who post things at absurd BIN prices pay their rent? I'm sure it's great when you get someone to bite on one, but in order to live you need a predictable income. The landlord isn't going to wait for your next sale. I would speculate that they only sell part-time on the side, and don't depend on baseball card sales to survive. But then there's Deans, which looks like a full-time operation. So I dunno.|
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