Thread: Lady Gaga
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Old 02-16-2017, 08:17 AM
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Snapolit1 Snapolit1 is offline Na.polit.ano
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As I age (hopefully!), I'm really trying hard not to be one of the many older people who think the younger generation is always going to hell in a hand basket and everything is careening down hill morally. It seems to be something that 95% of people fall into when they age. I see it with nearly all the older people in my life. Why is it that everyone becomes convinced that the younger generation is just falling off a cliff morally. My parents think it. My wife's parents are convinced of it. Of course as they were in their teens and 20s, their parents were convinced of it. And their grandparents were no doubt convinced of it too. A never ending cycle of shock and outrage.
Comic books? Outrage. The Beatles? Outrage. Rolling Stones and the Moody Blues? Outrage. Marilyn Monroe? Outrage. Lindsay Lohan? Outrage. There's really nothing new under the sun when you think for a moment? Straight line from the flappers to the girls in the 50s to Woodstock to Lady Gaga.
I hear my sons rap music and its not my cup of tea. But whatever. I was listening to Pink Floyd and my parents didn't get that. And my parents listened to the Beatles who their parents were convinced were satanists.

Lady Gaga? Please. Isn't doing anything people have been doing for years.

Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old first cousin. Could you imagine today if some rapper tried to go that route?

Last edited by Snapolit1; 02-16-2017 at 10:01 AM.
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