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Old 03-19-2017, 05:08 PM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
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Thank Scot, I figured most were purchased by same buyer. Just seems odd that someone decided to take down in a single shot all the rarer back commons, especially considering they had been sitting out there on eBay for months.

Kevin, I notice that a new generation of David Halls may be out there. As you know, I am a fairly recent buyer of rare backs, and higher end HOF if that. And recently I was outbid on both cy young bare hand OM 6 and a red Cobb CB (with bad paper loss on back), and I had some mighty bids in. Add this random rare back, common grab, and prices realized this spring on other rare backs (see Cobb AB on eBay a month ago), and it seems rare backs may be back and rising.
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