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Old 03-28-2017, 04:50 PM
HobokenJon HobokenJon is offline
Jonathan Weil
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 192
Default In search of George Davis Sovereign 350 . . .

Still waiting for T206 Resource to speak up in defense of its own research ...

Print newspapers have a feature every day called a corrections box. (I know, I'm dating myself by referring to quaint notions such as black ink on fish wrap, but hear me out.) It's where reporters and editors correct errors, set the record straight, and explain why mistakes happened. Good newspapers know that correcting errors is vital to their reputation and credibility, and they are eager to correct them. They usually are eager to explain how they know what they know, too (except for stories that rely on anonymous, confidential sources).

So here's my question: Why won't T206 Resource either (1) explain how it knows what it claims, or (2) correct the record? Doing either would be so much better than doing nothing.

I assume its source for the mysteriously "confirmed" Sovereign 350 cards isn't Edward Snowden or the late W. Mark Felt (a.k.a. "Deep Throat").
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