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Old 03-31-2017, 09:29 AM
mattjc1983 mattjc1983 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 285
Default Utter Frustration:

Originally Posted by Exhibitman View Post
As a frequent recipient of those sorts of emails from wannabe buyers on rare cards my response is right in my listing:

--I do not "have to" sell you my item for the price you dictate.* My wife is the only one who gets to say I "have to" do something, and she says it plenty.*

--I am well aware of what the market is for most anything I sell; trying to "educate" me on pricing is not a negotiation tool, it is just a tool tool.

--While I am certainly appreciative of your personal or familial connection to a particular item, it is not a reason for me to give you a discount.* A crasser person than I would even consider it a reason to raise the price.*

This is an interesting approach. Certainly they're your listings, and I'm not saying your wrong, but I wouldn't want to start off on an antagonistic note with my potential buyers before they've even placed a bid.

Personally, yours would not particularly offend me as a potential buyer, but I have avoided plenty of listings where the seller starts the description section with a laundry list of rules. If it takes me more than a few seconds to find the actual item's description within the mountain of rules the seller is stating, I move on, because that just sounds like a transaction begging to have issues.

But I also agree with the other poster that said the potential buyer should avoid the same by not sending a "take it or leave it" offer.

My best purchasing experiences have always been when both parties start the transaction assuming the best about the other. These tend to resolve to the mutual benefit of both.

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Last edited by mattjc1983; 03-31-2017 at 09:32 AM.
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