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Old 04-04-2017, 12:33 PM
Hot Springs Bathers Hot Springs Bathers is offline
Mike Dugan
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 1,052

Neil- That is a great story, I too am sorry for your loss.

The stories of the hockey guys being nice are fun. Growing up in the south I had limited access to the game after CBS stopped showing games back in the late 1960's.

Everything I read is that they are easily the nicest of the major sports. I think I have posted this before but the only two hockey players I have ever met are Bobby and Brett Hull. Back in the 60's my Dad was our airport manager and he called home one day for my Mom to bring to the airport. After arriving Dad said he had a surprise for me, in a few minutes a cab pulled up and out stepped Bobby Hull. He came here monthly to visit a doctor who had pioneered hair plugs! He shook my hand and we talked hockey for a few minutes before he climbed into a Beechcraft Baron and left.

In the Fall of 1998 I was excited to find that the Dallas Stars and Nashville Predators were playing a game in Little Rock so a friend and I headed over. After arriving my buddy went to get us some beers, he soon waved for me to come down with him. He asked if I knew what the players looked like out of uniform and I responded that I might recognize the stars. He led me to the hall where we found Brett Hull leaning up against the wall. We walked over and said hello, he could not have been friendlier. He asked us if "we wanted to meet the boys." We said sure and he took us into the Stars locker room and introduced us to several players. All were very cordial. Later as the teams warmed up we saw Brett come out in street clothes and point up to us. He led about a dozen players and GM Bob Gainey up to our seats. We were told the ice was questionable in the old 1930's stock yard arena and they were sitting most of the older players. We spent the game chatting with them and could not have been more impressed.

On the drive home we kept asking each other if players in other sports would have been that nice. Just a great experience.
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