Thread: $OLD pet peeve
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Old 04-11-2017, 09:45 AM
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Orlando Rodriguez
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Miami
Posts: 979

1. VCP gets paid to do exactly what you guys are trying to avoid: (gasp) tell the world how much you paid for a card.
2. I personally love having card prices (particularly on ultra-rare stuff) cataloged and listed, both as a buyer and a seller. So many deals go on behind the scenes in private sales with rare cards that vcp is often left in the dust. I know of cards that sold publicly at 5k and later sold for over 30k privately a year later. If I wanted to buy OR sell another example of that card, I think it is vital to know what it sold for privately.
3. If the guy you are selling the card to says "but you only paid X for it," he is just as likely to quote you the vcp anyway, so who cares?

Last edited by orly57; 04-11-2017 at 09:46 AM.
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