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Old 04-13-2017, 02:23 PM
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Tripredacus Tripredacus is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Buffalo
Posts: 334

I have come to like the modern Indians logo, Chief Wahoo not the red C. Well I guess the red C is fine too, but it is kinda boring even when they used it in the 80s and had the block letter uniforms. There is just something about the whole color scheme they came up with in the mid 90s when they got good. The dark blue with Chief Wahoo and the red brim, the dark blue jerseys. It looks really nice.

The part I do not get is that people are on such a crusade about a team and how "they" think it is portraying a certain people, yet there is no big hubaloo about the actual problems those people have. It makes me wonder if the Redskins and Indians (and it would need to include the other team that use the name like Kingston and Springfield) and whatever other teams get their names and logos taken away, that no one will them remember these types of people.

It is these stories of these sports teams with their names and logos that keeps those stories alive. It might sound like a bad thing to say.