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Old 04-20-2017, 11:23 PM
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€dw@rd Sk€£t0n
Join Date: Jan 2014
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My brother worked for the Angels when they won the Series. He asked his boss for a t-shirt and a hat, the boss said no. My brother was ticked that he couldn't get a free stinking hat and shirt, so decided to quit. He went back to tell his boss to shove it, before he said anything, his boss told him he hadn't gone to the HR office yet. My brother said what for? His boss said to get fitted for your ring. His ring has our last name on it, so they would know if he ever sold it. The employee rings are not as big as the player rings, but they are still cool, especially when they have your name on them. He had to sign an agreement that he wouldn't sell for x number of years, I believe. I doubt anyone would take the time from the organization to litigate over an employee selling their ring, they aren't as valuable as the player rings, and not worth the money to get the ring. The contract is more likely a way to get rid of an employee that sells their ring while still employed with the team, it looks bad if your employee does that.

Collecting PCL, Southern Association, and type cards.
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