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Old 05-17-2017, 06:30 PM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by PeterR View Post
Hey guys thanks for your interest, it truly is amazing what the internet can do. Mark and I have exchanged pictures, I think we both found something we’ll both really be able to appreciate. If any of you are interested I’ll give you a short synopsis on the whole story. My Grandfather was 13 and living in Toronto when he won the contest to meet Babe Ruth in New York. My great Grandmother was the mastermind behind his plan to send in multiple entries. When she received the telegram saying my Grandfather won, she went to find him outside and was running over a hill and yelling the news. There were 4 kids in the family and his 16 year old brother was the lucky one chosen to be the chaperone on the trip. I don’t think anyone would let that happen today. Here are some copies of the pictures that we have of my Grandfather.
Attachment 273452
Attachment 273453
Those pictures are amazing, thank you for posting them.
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