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Old 05-20-2017, 03:48 PM
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Al Wright
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: NJ
Posts: 200

My short answer to the question is a big no. I'm an old timer (going on 69) and have been a basketball fan since back in the early 60's. Can actually recalll when the Lakers were in Minneapolis. A loyal Knick fan all those years and I finally had enough a few years ago when the dysfunctional ownership at MSG busted up a team that was under construction and then IMHO compounded a series of blunders by chasing Carmelo. The importation of Jackson was the final nail for me. Walked away. Don't know if I'm ever going back. Plenty of other good round ball to watch during college season, but even that is becoming strained with the one and out set up that's business as usual now. Maybe I'm
just getting to old?? Anyway, that's my take on it.
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