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Old 05-23-2017, 09:20 AM
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bn2cardz bn2cardz is offline
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I can't speak to any other HOF as I don't follow other sports. As far as baseball I have always thought Lloyd Waner. Yet Rick Ferrell apparently may have been elected by mistake and his vote caused some controversy at the time according to Jack O'Connell, the secretary-treasurer of the Baseball Writers Association of America:

There were a couple of people that the Veterans Committee put in that… and I don’t want to pick on this guy, because he’s a wonderful person, but the election of Rick Ferrell—who wasn’t even the best player in his family—really irritated people. The Veterans Committee was putting people in left and right, and then Rick Ferrell, who was only on our ballot for three years and got three total votes, got in. He was a popular guy, and he was the farm director for the Tigers for many, many years, and the story I heard was that Jim Campbell had called a few of the Veterans Committee members and said, “Look, just don’t let him get shut out. Throw him a vote.” Well, the guy ended up getting nine votes, so he got elected.
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