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Old 06-13-2017, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by ooo-ribay View Post
It cracks me up that Mark, who is apprehensive to experiment on his own pennants, is right there with advice! I will say, for the era Mark collects, I doubt he has many white pennants.

Rob - I am thrilled that you have jumped in with both feet. Sorry about the failures but I think the successes far outweigh them. Here's what you might use on the Namath pennant. The bleach is more of a gel.
That's a great idea Rob. Thanks!

Aside from the Redskins pennant...which I have multiple of...just picked up another as part of a lot as a matter of fact...and which was pretty beat already...I consider them all to be success stories, compared to where they were in the "before" photos.

I experimented on a cheap 70's Yankees pennant last night. It had a lot of red graphics and lettering and true to form, ran like crazy. But I discovered the right course of action is to apply more water, not less. I just kept spraying until the water ran clear. The running paint just flows away and doesn't stain the pennant. It seems the red paint degrades over time, more so than other colors and you need to wash away that dead layer until it stops bleeding. To soon to say it's a perfect solution but it worked on this one.
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