Thread: Aaron Judge
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Old 06-14-2017, 09:51 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by ls7plus View Post
What in the world do they do with Ellsbury when he comes back? Michael, the main NY broadcaster, has taken to referring to Hicks as "Hank Aaron" Hicks. Sure Ellsbury is better in the field, except perhaps for his arm, but I frankly don't see where Ells is going to play--certainly Gardner and Judge aren't going anywhere. Ellsbury is worth about a third of his salary, if that, and no one would take him in a trade.

Best wishes,


I don't think any of those guys are particularly durable, so plenty of room for a 4th outfielder and platoon/pinch hit situations I think.

The more flexibility the better. Not that you want your $20 million dollar guy to be your 4th outfielder, but we've paid more then that for A-Rod to essentially ride the bench or miss entire seasons.
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