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Old 06-15-2017, 05:42 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by sam majors View Post
There will be no winner! First round they dance and touch gloves occasionally. Second round they both throw a few punches, working up a light sweat. Late in the second round THE BIG SHOW runs to the ring, steps over the top rope and chases Floyd in and out and all around the ring. THE BIG SHOW is still pissed from the time Floyd knocked him out on Monday Night Raw. But wait! Here comes the Diaz brothers! They are beating the daylights out of Conor McGregor. Don King is singing God Bless America over the PA. Order is restored when a dozen sickly looking 135 pound men in black and white referee shirts come running in to separate the combatants. Hell, I ain't even finished my second six pack yet!
Dana White issues a press release that night with details of the upcoming second fight! He assures the world that this will be the first time in history that PAY-PER-VIEW will be sold out! Count me in, again!
That is great. This fight is so silly I could see that happening.
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