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Old 06-16-2017, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Leon View Post
here are a few pics of what I am talking about with ours... They start out as mounds above ground (when i see them, they might be below before that) and then after their gasoline bath they end up as flat, brown spots and then later they end up being fine again. Lots of room to disperse (and again, I fully know this isn't good for the ground, it is miniscule though and the ants bite like heck)

And of course a pic of one of the pack of three dogs we took in a few years ago, giving it a morning stretch. She knows she will be inside our house later today when it gets too hot out there.
Thanks for the pics/info, Leon. I just checked and the largest nest is still active but the smaller one seems dormant, so far.

I put Raid ant killer drops in a pickle jar lid and placed it on top where I seen the most ants. Surprisingly, but they are likely riled up, only a couple came to it. I will give this a day or 2 and if I still have no results, then I will dig a hole and fill it with water from the garden hose.
My backyard neighbor, who also had ant problems a couple years ago, said this worked for him.

I never dreamt these little buggers would be so hard to get rid of!
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