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Old 08-01-2017, 01:34 PM
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Andrew1975 Andrew1975 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Virginia
Posts: 331

Assuming that a dealer is sensible, and also actually motivated to move the items they have for sale, supply and demand will always dictate price. Perhaps the rationale is that for certain high end items, the demand is probably greater, and supply lower - in that room at that time, and therefore the higher price may be justified. I would guess that the rarer and more desirable the item, the more exaggerated the price differential is. Also, some dealers seem to be fine with setting up at shows and displaying their items, as if a museum, with little desire to actually sell anything. Like someone else said, I have seen the same items, at the same dealers tables, at show after show after show... This also happens on eBay. I hope to make it to Cleveland next year, even if my expectations on getting the deal of a lifetime (or even paying VCP for a card) are low. I hope everyone that went to Chicago had a great time and came home with good stuff.

Last edited by Andrew1975; 08-01-2017 at 02:23 PM.
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