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Old 08-08-2017, 07:26 PM
Beastmode Beastmode is offline
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Posts: 332

Originally Posted by WWG View Post
This didn't come from VCP, it came right off Heritage webpage. Are you saying HA posted selling price without receiving payment?
VCP is a data mining company, in simple terms. Taking data from various sources and putting it in their software. IMO, VCP provides a valuable service by consolidating the sales records of cards, and saves me a whole lot of time.

however, the data they gather is only has good as it's source. VCP does not know if the auction was paid for or not, just that it closed. And once it's closed, it makes it's way over to VCP. As the saying goes, garbage in-garbage out.

As far as I know, AH's are not required, and do not disclose voluntarily, whether an auction has been paid for or not. This includes e-bay. It's up to you as a buyer to sort through the outliers and determine if real or not.
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