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Old 08-14-2017, 12:09 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
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Originally Posted by insidethewrapper View Post
If nobody has bid on a certain item for 30 minutes, close it, seems simple to me.
Mike's comment makes a lot of sense. Al, can your software be adjusted to allow individual auction lots to end in this fashion?

It's been a long time since I participated in a major auction. LOTG's site and navigation is simply superb. The process was excellent throughtout. Kudos to their ability to provide me with outbid notices.

Be that as it may, I go back to Mike's suggestion to close a given lot if nobody has bid on it for 30 minutes. I was a determined bidder, and kept going to a bit after 6 0'CLOCK IN THE MORNING, when someone threw in another bid. I had to physically give up, and give it up to my Lord Jesus. May His will be done. I had to be at church come noon. At 63, I just couldn't hold out any longer.

Funny, later that same day, about 9 PM, I went out for a 3-mile power walk. I had chosen one of my favorite cross-country routes. It was nearing dusk, but I was also determined to get a good walk it. At about 3 1/2 laps of the 5 I was planning to do, I thought to myself, "wow, I've never been this tired at 3 1/2 laps." Then it occurred to me, "oh yeah, I was up 'til 6:03 this morning fighting it out at the auction!" I kept walking hard, and believe me, I do not stroll through the park. My heart was pounding and the sweat was just pouring off me. I live in northern Indiana below Lake Michigan, where it's hot and humid. At this time of evening it was really nice, but I was stonkered, having forgetten about all those hours at the computer keeping tabs on the LOTG item I deeply wanted.

It was worth it because I won the item; had I stayed up all those hours and lost it, I would have been demoralized. Love of the Game puts on a great auction, with just this one caveat. You had better be well-rested prior to the event. Al, love ya man, but please, pretty please, listen to Mike (insidethewrapper). Go get Walter O'Brien at Scorpion to help you adjust and re-program your auction format.

Cheers, to one and all. ---Brian Powell
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