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Old 08-14-2017, 09:11 PM
Vintageclout Vintageclout is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 531
Default Auction Close

Originally Posted by ValKehl View Post
This old fart is a long-time collector who much, much prefers the entire-auction closes-at-once method over the lots-close-individually method because I am one of those who often has to decide where to allocate and re-allocate his auction budget during the auction and because I also believe that consignors fare better. In fact, I do not and will not consign to auction houses that employ the lots-close-individually method. And, I am delighted by the way REA modified its closing method last year - this may not be total perfection, but REA is getting close!
+1! Well said Val. As an avid collector, nothing is more frustrating then getting outbid on a lot(s) and not being able to reallocate your funds to another lot because it's closed. Additionally, the Consignors get crippled in this scenario because their lots are now closed whereby bidders cannot come back and bid on the closed lots.
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