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Old 08-27-2017, 03:54 PM
jefferyepayne jefferyepayne is online now
Jeff P
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 2,045

There are some tricks another collector taught me to help minimize the likelihood that your cards will be damaged when in binders and they do make a big difference.

1. Pages should fill up the binder until it is completely rectangular. If they don't, you are using the wrong size binder for that set. If you are in between sizes, pad the inside of the binders with additional paper until they are completely full. This stops pages from curling and/or sliding down inside the binders and potentially bending your cards.

2. Use good quality binder sheets. The thicker the sheets, the less likely they are to bend or slide

3. Put your cards in plastic sleeves before inserting them into binder pages. You can do lots of damage to your cards by dinging the corner when putting them in or taking them out.

4. Always store your binders upright. Binders stored on their side will sometimes bend pages, particularly if you don't make them rectangular

One of the reasons why I like binders is that I put other things associated with the set in it as well. I am working on short write-ups for each set that go in the front of the binder. Also have a page (or pages) for the wrappers for each set. Trying to get a complete run of wrappers too. If there were inserts, I put those in pages at the end.

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