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Old 09-06-2017, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Snapolit1 View Post
I was in Cooperstown in January. While they are not "enshrined" in the hall, there are displays that discuss Bonds, Rose, Sosa, etc. I thought they were handled really well. Talked about their accomplishments and records but in the context of the scandals that enveloped their careers. It's not like you can't utter their names in the building or anything. I think it's actually perfect they way it is. These guys are all "in" the hall of fame, and acknowledged, but they are not given the ultimate honor. I'm perfectly fine with that.
Did you see the display when you walk in the Hof? Clemente, Jackie and Gehrig. Character and Courage. They make it pretty clear their stance on dopers and cheaters.

What should be done is anyone caught using should be permanently banned from the HOF like the did with Pete Rose. If they were in an Olympic sport, they would get a lifetime ban. MLB's weak stance on cheaters got baseball (and softball) removed from the Olympics for 2 Olympiads. MLB, because of the Union, is never going to do the right thing. The HOF should. Then there will be room on the ballot for deserving players to get appropriate consideration.
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