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Old 09-13-2017, 10:09 AM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
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Originally Posted by murphusa View Post
I wonder if they were made by a sculpture club/ art class etc
I really doubt it...

These are a bit more polished/professional looking than an art class or sculpture club could produce. I've seen at least 8 - 10 of these over the years, and they are all pretty uniform/identical in appearance. The biggest mystery is whether the wood bat once resided on all of them, or if some were simply made without it. Many (without the wood bat) have paint chips or pock marks exactly where the Bat would have rested.

There is also a Pittsburgh Pirates version that I used to have (with no wood bat). I sold it for way too cheap a price, and have never seen another one since then. Should've kept it, or at least photographed it I suppose, but didn't realize I'd never see another.
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