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Old 09-20-2017, 11:49 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,349

I echo the comments of the others on the Eddie Matthews. Neal, simply perfect.

Congrats, Abe, on the swell Pete Rose. A very tough to find item.

I am a fellow fan of the immediate post-war regionals. In the spring of 2016, I released a 478-page book devoted to them. Entitled NEVER CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN, I believe you will find lots to learn, enjoy and savor about the original chase cards. Now, it's an E-book on a CD, but it's very easy to read on your computer or laptop, when you insert the disc into the disc drive.

If you wish to read the press release, GOOGLE the title. It will appear; just click on it.

Regardless of whether you choose to investigate and buy my book, sincerest of congrats again. Having collected since 1961, I know from many personal experiences what it means to hunt down a regional you would then consider a prized piece of your collection.

--- Brian Powell
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