Thread: T206 Trends
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Old 09-20-2017, 11:55 AM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by RedsFan1941 View Post
i would caution to avoid getting caught up in the hype of "scrap," errors, miscuts, etc. though these types of cards certainly are neat to look at, their values often are exaggerated (no surprise, usually by sellers), and the market for them is consistently thin. in addition, it is not uncommon to see cards being being represented as something they are not.

if you like these types of cards and want to collect them, that's awesome. i just wouldn't bank on them holding their value and allowing you to recoup your money down the road.

obviously just my opinion.
I agree on the scrap, miscuts, print errors, and ect. being crazily over hyped by the sellers. This is not near as bad as it was a year or two ago when the hype was at an insane level. I am not putting down those types of cards as they are by far my favorite.

The big thing in T206's is the same it is with all cards. Stay far far away from what ever is hot and being hyped at the moment because the fad will go away. When it does you will be stuck with a bunch of cards you can not sell of anywhere near what you got scammed into paying for them. All hot cards are hot because of marketing.
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