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Old 09-29-2017, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by bravos4evr View Post
and your communistic ignorance shows it's face again. This has nothing to do with the constitution. zero, zilch, nada.

the first amendment issues you protections from the govt that's it. It does not apply to your job, your private life...etc You have a right to not be arrested for saying things the govt doesn't like. But, you are not free from facing consequences for your choices. If you say things I don't like, I can fire you. If you say things in a place of business they don't like they can ask you to leave. If you refuse, you can be arrested for trespassing.

oh, and btw, if you are going to call people tools and be a smug little twat, bring that to me man, I'm not a victim nor am I frightened of internet tough guy communists on the internet. Grow up, your POV is for children.
Looks like Mississippi finally got the internet. Welcome to the 21st century