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Old 09-30-2017, 05:32 AM
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GrayGhost GrayGhost is offline
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Originally Posted by David Atkatz View Post
Oh, I see...
You're only looking for "understanding" opinions.
"Only those who agree with me need respond."

Yeah. The guy shoulda mentioned "reprint" in the title. But you didn't do your due diligence. Period. Can't always blame things on the other guy.

"As my dear old grandfather Litvak said (just before they swung the trap), he said 'You can't cheat an honest man. Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump.' " - W. C. Fields
The greed comment was harsh, esp to me. Perhaps people should learn how to list things. That is, unless they are tiptoeing around and trying to mislead someone. And I have an issue with someone not disclosing something more apparently than that .

Maybe you believe that someone is greedy trying to get a good deal on something. I guess you don't have the problems. I'm happy for you. But I also would never have an attitude like that to a fellow board member who is asking for a little advice and felt the listing was bad. Have a good day sir

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