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Old 10-01-2017, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
Here is the list of people that supplied the data for your report: the New York Times, a University of California-Davis professor, the Black Lives Matter affiliated group Mapping Police Violence, the Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch led Department Of Justice, the Washington Post, retired federal and state judges tasked by the San Francisco district attorney's office, the ACLU, a Harvard professor, a New York Federal District judge, a team of professors from UCLA, Portland State University, and Boston University, a Stanford University study, a Washington State University professor, University of Chicago researchers. You honestly believe that every single one of these people were completely unbiased and didn't already have a conclusion decided before they even started?
I never made such a claim about the sources being unbiased. I provided a link with 15+ reports pertaining to discrimination by law enforcement. Others provided alternative links from Fox News and the National Review. Now if we were all to read those and make informed arguments, then we'd really be doing good work. I look forward to reading the NR articles soon. I've enjoyed reading it over the years. To dismiss either set of reports as wrong because of who wrote them is an excuse to quit thinking. We need to stop politicizing the pursuit of truth and seek it wherever it is, even if articulated by an ideological opponent. But if we can't muster even a bit of epistemological humility, then discourse itself is dead, replaced by its zombified form known as power politics and the tyrrany of self-interest. Just read widely. Read wisely. I trust you to do that. Then ask people of color you know about their experience. That has been very transformative for me.