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Old 10-12-2017, 12:10 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,333

Originally Posted by MattyC View Post
Exactly. Judge hits 52 homers as a rookie, and emerges from a slump to be Player Of The Month in September— then has a great WC game, and a season saving catch in the DS... and yet some lie in wait for his next rough patch or bad series, eager to slither out and trash him. Then they will vanish when he gets hot again, slither out again when he has a bad series, rinse, repeat. It’s a puerile cycle. The kid had a historic season and there’s no changing that. And a rebuilding team just dismissed the top seed from two games down, to reach the CS. Judge and the team and the fans are very happy with this.
+10. Dead on.

Sadly, even tragically for our fragile hobby, we have an ample share of individuals on here who must have university B.S. degrees in SCHADENFREUDE, after having tested out of 75% of the classes! They may have an invisible framed diploma, but distilling their lives down to the foundation, they're just a bunch of dips. They slither out of the grass, after having lived on grass.

--- Brian Powell
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