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Old 10-20-2017, 04:42 PM
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Al Wright
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: NJ
Posts: 200


I always hesitate to send off advice on an internet forum. That said, all of the Crosley stuff I've seen is rubbish. Depending on what you intend to do you might consider a few possibilities.

If you want to go from a vinyl source to a digital file there are several ok usb turntables out there (Audio Technica I've been told makes a pretty good one) and while Crosley offers these units they are inferior and will make quick work of your vinyl. If you just want a turntable to play vinyl you are going to purchase there are lots of good ones out there, especially with the vinyl resurgence that has taken place over the last decade of so.

I guess the bottom line I'm driving at is that buying the software (vinyl) gets pricey, and it's usually a good idea to buy the best hardware you can afford up front.

Just my 2 cents from the peanut gallery.
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