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Old 10-21-2017, 06:57 PM
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Sean Brennan
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Mark70Z View Post
“LOVE” the Monty Python signed cards/pieces and the Chapman’s King Authur notes. Awesome collection you have going there. Again one of my favorites growing up and MP and the HG is still one of my all time favorite movies.

I know I started this thread for a run of auto’s, but what’s your favorite MP skit?

Also, thanks for posting the cards up close so I could get a better view.
Thanks! I have gotten extremely lucky with the Pythons. Besides having the two records signed by all 6 I have at least a dozen other items signed by the 5 plus the two signed cards sets. Also I have been lucky enough to meet the 5 in person. They used to all be really sweet but the last few years has made Cleese and Palin very cynical. Palin now goes out of his way (see attachments) in person to sign over faces (and sometimes over autographs). Cleese rarely signs in person and is picky about it (some things he wont sign and often he insists on personalizing). Still, for the most part they were very good signers for a long period of time
I would say my all-time favorite thing of theirs is the "Biggus Dickus" scene from The Life of Brian. When Palin tries to make the Centurion laugh and it cracks me up no end!

dead parrot finished.jpg

lumberjack signed by 4.jpg

Last edited by milkit1; 10-21-2017 at 07:00 PM.
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