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Old 10-22-2017, 07:52 AM
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Sean Brennan
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Originally Posted by Mark70Z View Post
Those are awesome items! Do you know why they’ve gotten rather cynical? Haven’t been in the loop with what’s been going on with them in quite some time.

My favorite from a movie would have to be the peasant sketch from the HG. There’s been so many good ones, but that’s likely my fav. Really likes the ministry of silly walks from the show. My son had a poster of this in his room growing up. He loved the humor as well.
I think its due to ebay. I have paid a lot of graphers to help me out and heard some horror stories about some of these graphers and how they act. I saw a video of graphers getting Idle in NYC and it was so awkward. Idle is trying to be pleasant and they keep shoving pictures literally in his face. A nearby security guard is getting pissed cause people are pushing, etc.
terry Jones always seemed sweet so its even more sad that he has dementia. I met him at his last signing in May 2016 not knowing his condition and it was very sad. he pretty much could not talk and was very confused about what to write. However a grapher I know saw him last week in Englad and he did sign for people. One got a "Jones terry" autograph but at least its nice to see he can still sign.
Thats great your son likes them. Mine are just now discovering them too! A few other off my all-time faves are:
The killer rabbit from HG
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