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Old 12-12-2017, 10:31 AM
Topnotchsy Topnotchsy is online now
Jeff Lazarus
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1,108

Originally Posted by packs View Post
That makes very little practical sense. Everyone knows you have to score more runs than the other team to win a game. A pitcher who is going to give up less runs, i.e. has a low ERA, is going to put his team in a better situation to win. A guy with a higher ERA means his team has to score more runs to win the games he pitches.
ERA tells the number of runs but not when they were given up. Not every run affects the outcome of the game the same. If we accept the idea that some people fold under pressure and others rise to the occasion, 2 people won’t the same ERA may be diifferent in how likely their team is to win.

A stat calculating win probability and the pitchers impact on it each time they give up a run could he’d light. I assume this exists somewhere...
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