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Old 12-18-2017, 08:09 AM
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TanksAndSpartans TanksAndSpartans is offline
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Originally Posted by jefferyepayne View Post
In fact, I associate watching football much more with fantasy football! I think they are very much tied together now.
Same as Jeff for me. Not sure if others have found this, but as I've gotten older with family commitments etc., I don't have that passion for a "favorite team" anymore. I'm finally in a fantasy leauge with some folks I know though and like monitoring my team for bragging rights

I don't think anything that could happen in today's NFL would diminish my interest in the history of the game, players who played for the love of it, weren't paid much, etc. Football can be a nice entertainment option for Fall/Winter weekends, but collecting, reading/writing about history is actually more flexible and can be done on a random Wednesday night in May as easily as a November Sunday afternoon.
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